Title Page
1a: Technical Paper (html)
1b: Technical Paper (LaTeX)
1c: Technical Paper (pdf)
2: References
3: Sample Runs
4a: CA Code
4b: GA Code
5: Technical Paper Reading
6: Project Description
7: Oral Report
8a: Daily Logs
8b: Bi-Weekly Goals
8c: Final Iteration Progress Report (#6)
9: Scientific Method
10: Tutorial
11: Next Year
9/9/02 -- I began making my website today. It was a short day (monday),
so i only had time to learn the very basics of html and create two
rudimentary pages.
9/10/02 -- I've spent the whole day working on the website. I've also
created all of the necessary pages for my website. However, I have not filled
all of them with data yet. I also learned how to add pictures
to websites.
9/12/02 -- I have spent the day going through the tutorials on
"www.bfree.on.ca/HTML." It has
many very good tutorials that teach HTML step-by-step. I managed to work through tutorial 6.
9/16/02 -- Today I wrote my tentative project proposal and also began my
first iteration progress report. I'll finish the progress report on Wednesday.
9/17/02 -- I started off the day by touching up a few bugs on my
website. I then finished up the iteration progress report that I started on Monday.
9/19/02 -- I continued through the tutorials and completed the ones up through
number 11. I made the calendr for the daily logs and also found out how to put the links
along the side of my website.
9/23/02 -- I put in a request for Eclipse on the machines. Eclipse is the
Java platform that I used over the summer and am fanmiliar with. I also had emailed the
work to myself that I had done over to the summer, so I downloaded the files and put them
on my account.
9/24/02 -- I spent the day working with my program and the few test runs that
I have of it. These runs are from the early stages of my project, but they show what is
working well and what isn't. I also had a discussion with Mr. Holliman about my project
and the theory behind the outcome.
9/26/02 -- I streamlined my website, updating all the links and adding new
ones. I made sure that everything worked and the site has consistent formatting
throughout all of the pages.
9/30/02 -- I made a new calendar for October. I touched up certain site aspects.
10/1/02 -- Eclipse is working so I worked on my project coding. There appears to
have been a problem in going from one version of Eclipse to another, so I spent my time
trying to fix the errors so that my program will run again. It is almost in working
10/2/02 -- I spent the day working on my website.
10/7/02 -- I spent this Monday updating my Project Proposal. I am getting
a better idea of the scope of my project as a whole.
10/8/02 -- I began my next iteration progress report.
10/10/02 -- I finished the second iteration progress report.
10/14/02 -- I spent this (short) monday discussing projects with
other people and brainstorming.
10/15/02 -- We played Risk today with Mr. Holliman. I began in Oceania with
satellite strongholds in Europe. I had an alliance with Steve, who was in Asia. I managed
to take Europe and, by the end of the game, had the most territories and troops, thus
achieving victory.
10/17/02 -- We played Risk again today with Mr. Holliman. All 5 other players
teamed up against me due to the results of the last game. I managed to conquer N. America and
hold it for a number of turns, but the eventual pounding of 5 armies took its toll on my
battered troops.
10/21/02 -- I did a massive update of my website today. I had fallen behind
on daily and weekly logs.
10/22/02 -- I got my program working on Eclipse. There was a problem with the
randomization utility that I was calling in my program. Something with the JRE.
10/22/02 -- I did my LaTex report today.
10/24/02 -- Worked on the Cellular Automata, touching up parts here and there.
10/28/02 -- Listened to presentations mainly. Short day.
10/29/02 -- I worked on how I would organize my presentation. I also did an
iteration progress report.
10/31/02 -- I did my presentation today.
11/4/02 -- Today was not only a Monday, but it was also the first day of the new
quarter, so not a whole lot was accomplished.
-- I've decided to turn my attention towards the Genetic Algorithm. This
should take a while to program, but I think I have the Cellular Automata working (there is a minor
quirk in that the rules always turn the tests towards the same end).
11/7/02 -- I began my pseudo-code for the Genetic Algorithm. I analyzed an old
LISP Genetic Algorithm that I had programmed to reacquiant myself with the necessary components of
a Genetic Algorithm.
11/11/02 -- I spent this short day updating my OpenGL robot ant. He can now store
and mimic inputs from the user. He also looks a lot better, as he has more than just two spheres for
his body.
11/12/02 -- I have started turning my pseudo-code into actual Java coding. I have
begun by writing the necessary function headers.
11/14/02 -- Mr. Holliman and I analyzed the algorithm basics necessary for a strategic
artificial intelligence unit to accomplish its task of defeating human opponents in a battle of
world domination.
11/18/02 -- I spent the day making sure that everything was set for the portfolio
and doing everything that I needed to complete it.
11/19/02 -- I continued work on the Genetic Algorithm. It's coming along slowly.
11/21/02 -- GA Work.
11/25/02 -- A short day. Not much was accomplished other than Internet research.
11/26/02 -- Algorithm analyzation in the form of world domination.
11/28/02 -- We continued the pursuits begun last class period. Ended in domination.
12/2/02 -- A new month begins. Mainly discussion of research areas and project development.
12/3/02 -- We observed mathematical computations and complex algorithms devised by
the Canadian director of the 1997 film "CUBE." We studied math's affect on the human psyche and
our animalistic nature.
12/5/02 -- SNOW DAY!
12/9/02 -- The first day back from the nice long vacation.
12/10/02 -- I updated this website, which I haven't done in a long time. I haven't
quite finished, but I'll work on it next class. A also started my next portfolio. The class finished
12/12/02 -- I did some general research on the web and checked many sites for information.
12/16/02 -- Examined the possible algorithms to emerge victorious at a game of chance and skill.
12/17/02 -- General website work.
12/19/02 -- I discussed future plans for my project with a student at Carnegie Melon.
I may have to retype my program in C++ rather than Java to allow for the Cray machine to work on my
1/6/03 -- Working on the poster layout. I sketched a design for it.
1/7/03 -- Working on the poster. I made the title and name (Adobe Photoshop).
1/9/03 -- Working on the poster. I typed an abstract.
1/13/03 -- MLK JR. DAY
1/14/03 -- Working on the poster. I typed the algorithms and basic problem.
1/16/03 -- Working on the poster. I cut everything. I also updated this website.
1/20/03 -- I finished the elements of the poster. It is looking quite nice, if I may say so myself.
1/21/03 -- I worked on the iteration progress report.
1/23/03 -- I did some more work on the Genetic Algorithm. I finished the iteration report.
1/28/03 -- I have finished everything for the quarter. I just touched up the website a little here and there and did this log.
1/29/03 -- Today was a short day and the last day of the semester. On this day, we rested.
2/3/03 -- Planned goals for this quarter. Looked ahead at what I needed to do and looked back at what I have done.
2/4/03 -- Worked on analyzing various algorithms and engines of graphical outputs.
2/6/03 -- Experimented with a variety of approaches to solving display issues.
2/10/03 -- Analyzed possible and necessary means for converting the algorithms to C++. Decided to postpone this matter to another time.
2/11/03 -- Easy access links!
2/13/03 -- Finished making the easy access links.
2/24/03 -- Began research on the project description procedure.
2/25/03 -- Made the project description.
3/3/03 -- Not much completed (a monday).
3/4/03 -- Began work on the scientific method.
3/6/03 -- Finished the scientific method.
3/10/03 -- Having completed the past assignments, I rested.
3/11/03 -- Planning stage for future progress directions.
3/13/03 -- Learned about the new assignment.
3/17/03 -- I caught up on a number of logs. Not finished yet, tho. About half-way done. Made the calendars.
3/18/03 -- Out sick.
3/20/03 -- Home recovering from surgery.
3/24/03 -- A short day and my first day back after a while. Got my bearings back together.
3/25/03 -- Began getting this quarter's assignments in order.
3/27/03 -- Continued work on this quarter's assignments b/c the quarter will soon be over.
3/31/03 -- Very busy Monday. Lots to finish in a variety of studies.
4/1/03 -- I did nothing. APRIL FOOLS. I actual got the entire website nearly in order for the quarterly evaluation.
4/3/03 -- I completed the techpaper, tutorial page, oral presentation page, and got everything in order. My assignments are done for this quarter now.
4/7/03 -- A short and uninteresting Monday.
4/8/03 -- Working on a coal mine. Not actually. Working at TJ.
4/10/03 -- At MIT.
4/21/03 -- Recovering from Spring Break.
4/22/03 -- Exploration of programming ideas in the real world.
4/24/03 -- At Stanford.
4/28/03 -- Site clean-up and streamlining.
4/29/03 -- Program test.
5/1/03 -- A day spent with paperwork and logistical wutnot.
5/5/03 -- Ah, the beginning of AP Week. I took the AP Lit exam today.
5/7/03 -- This was AP Stat.
5/9/03 -- The friday after a tough AP week. Time to relax.
5/13/03 -- Got that Gov't AP tomorrow.
5/15/03 -- Updated the website A LOT.
5/19/03 -- Hm?
5/20/03 -- Organization of my website a bit.
5/22/03 -- R & D. Actually, just R.
5/26/03 -- More experimentation and analyzation of real world applications of coding.
5/27/03 -- Insertion of all codular aspects related to the project into the techpaper layout.
5/29/03 -- Took care of references for the research paper.
6/4/03 -- Wrote the techpaper portion on cellular automata.
6/6/03 -- Wrote the techpaper portion on genetic algorithms.
6/11/03 -- Finished my techpaper *whew*
6/13/03 -- Began and completed my techpaper comparison. FINISHED WITH EVERYTHING!!!